Achievment Program

The Achievement Program is a system of requirements for demonstrating a superior level of skill in various aspects of our hobby. It covers not only building various types of models, but also building other things which are important to the hobby, such as scenery, structures, track work, and wiring. It also recognizes service to the hobby and the NMRA, which are important as well.
For more information please e-mail or call the 7th Division AP Manager ( listed on our web-site under "About Us")

Master Model Railroader

The following past or present 7th Division members have earned the title of Master Model Railroader (MMR) An NMRA member qualifies as a Master Model Railroader when he or she has obtained at least seven of the eleven Achievement Certificates provided that he or she has earned at least one Achievement Certificate in each of the four areas of the Regulations. Earning the title of Master Model Railroader is the ultimate goal for many participants in the Achievement Program and is a remarkable achievement.

William H. Hewlett, MMR #18
Robert J. Gardner, MMR #103  click here
Gordon Varney MMR #126  click here ,
Douglas Hole, MMR #269
Patrick Lawson, MMR #270  click here ,
Ed Warren MMR #272  click here ,

Mike Chandler MMR #489  click here ,
Jim Little MMR#611  click here


2021 Randy Nussli earned a gold spike award

In April 2014 Jim Little earned merit awards for his HO scale cinder conveyor and his 400 ton coaling tower.